Last Updated: Monday, January 30, 2023
Feed additive for optimal poultry and farm animal's performance, slaughter characteristics with anti-stress properties. Osmo-protectant and methyl donor.
Betaine Hydrochloride ≤ 96%
Product Description
- Betaine is a known functional nutrient in broiler nutrition.
- The principal physiologic role of betaine is to act as an osmolyte (osmoprotectant) and as methyl donor (transmethylation).
- As an osmolyte, betaine increases intracellular water retention and therefore protects intracellular enzymes against osmotic induced inactivation.
- As a methyl donor, betaine participates in the methionine cycle (mainly in the liver) and can be further used in transmethylation reactions for synthesis of essential substances like carnitine and creatine.
- Betaine had shown to also accumulate in other internal organs (gut, liver, kidney and heart) to protect them and enhance performance.
- Betaine is of a special value in poultry production. The benefits of betaine as a feed additive for improving animal performance and slaughter characteristics are well documented. These benefits are related to both of the betaine's modes of action (methyl donor and osmolyte) which are both influenced by the concentration of other methyl donors in the diet and the presence of either an osmotic or metabolic stress.
- Importance of betain as a "methyl donor": Dietary supplementation of betaine may reduce the requirement of other methyl donors such as methionine and choline. This sparing effect has been thoroughly investigated in poultry and in pigs. Studies showed that between 30 and 80% of the supplemental methionine can be substituted by betaine without negative effects on performance. Bio-equivalence studies between betaine and choline/methionine in broilers diets allows choline to be fully replaced and methionine to be decreased by 25-30% of daily requirements without any differences in broilers performance.
- Importance of betaine as an "organic osmolyte": Betaine is considered the most effective organic osmolyte. It accumulates in GIT cells regulating water flux across the intestinal epithelium. Betaine also had shown to inhibit cellular apoptosis and to reduce energy expenditure for GIT cells. Betaine anhydrate can be used to overcome the impact of heat stress partially by adding betaine to the diet in slow growing broilers. It results in improved weight gain and feed conversion. More importantly, rectal temperature was decreased. Panting, a mechanism of heavily breathing to lose heat via evaporation, was also reduced.
Product Benefits
- AMPHIBETAINE powder can replace choline and methionine in broiler diets and may provide nutritionists a new tool to compose an optimal diet.
- AMPHIBETAINE powder as a feed additive is used for improving animal performance and slaughter characteristics.
- AMPHIBETAINE powder can be used to overcome heat stress especially for slow growing broilers. It improves weight gain and feed conversion. It helps decrease rectal temperature and reduce panting.
- AMPHIBETAINE powder can be included in normal energy diets of broiler chickens for improving the growth performance, economic value and welfare during the summer season.